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 Read the latest edition of the BetaReader Journal


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Cover art by Jeff Hess - see bulletin board for contact info.
Cover art by Jeff Hess – see bulletin board for contact info.

Inquiries and submissions: editor@betareader.us.

Note: There is no charge or income derived from the BetaReader Journal by its publisher. All work is submitted purely for the enjoyment of the community and to promote and share the work of community members. All work is assumed to be the copyrighted property of submitter unless so noted by submitter and attributed to the legal copyright holder. The BetaReader Journal makes no claim of ownership to material submitted by a third party and published in the BetaReader Journal. Publisher reserves the right to reject material deemed inappropriate, of little interest, or poorly written. That being said, we are a community of beta readers so please provide contact information and be prepared to appreciate the corrections and insights you undoubtedly will receive.

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