Call For Submissions and a Special Offer For BetaReaders
BetaReader Journal is looking for content of interest to BetaReaders.
Who is the BetaReader Journal audience?
The 491 members of the BetaReader community are more an author’s aid than typical readers. Betas work with authors at all stages of getting words down on a page. Betas offer feedback, polishing, editing and constructive advice.
What the BetaReader Journal is looking for:
Articles – on topics of interest to beta readers, editors, and others who provide publishing support (e.g. What is the difference between an editor who charges $80 an hour and a beta reader who charges $25 for a full manuscript.) There is no limit to the length of a piece (within reason). Include a summary no longer than 100 words. All submissions should be in PDF format. The summary will be published in the Journal with a link to the complete piece.
Excerpts – Authors looking to establish a relationship with a beta can publish an example and/or abstract of their work. Here’s your chance to attract a dedicated beta reader to push your work over the line, polish, and make it ready to be shown to the world. Again, include a summary no longer than 100 words. All submissions should be in PDF format. The summary will be published in the Journal with a link to the longer piece. If you are submitting a full-length book please limit submission to 20% of the whole work.
Shares the good news about cover reveals, book releases, and special deals.
Make submissions to the BetaReader Journal @
The BetaReader Journal needs your input.
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